About Us

We're a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization powered by a community of hobbyists that offer full-featured web hosting services for free.

  • We won't try to upsell you to any paid plans but if you appreciate our service we encourage you to make a tax deductible donation.
  • We own our own hardware, which we operate out of a professional datacenter in Silicon Valley. Having full-stack access enables us to offer features like unmetered bandwidth and unlimited inodes.
  • We're supported by an active community of volunteers who you can find on our support forums, in our Discord server, and even via telephone.
  • We've been offering free web hosting services to the community for over 19 years.
Our service is not free to run, and in fact in the last year we lost money. Please help support our mission of providing full-featured web hosting for free by donating today.


Johnny Rollback To March
It looks like during the raid rebuild the Johnny server data rolled back to March 8th, so we'll only be able to provide backups from data prior to that date. You'll need to rely on your own personal backups that you made over the last few months for any changes since that date. After we're done backing up the data that is available we'll be wiping the server, and rebuilding Johnny. Read more
Raid Rebuild Finished
The extremely time consuming raid rebuild process has finished and Sparkie is back online. All of the VPS on Sparkie seem to have booted up just fine, but Johnny is another story. The widespread filesystem corruption that occurred right before we took him offline cannot be undone, and even though the hardware is operating normally now, Johnny will never be the same again. The databases all seem to be ok, but Apache won't boot up do to thousands o... Read more
Johnny Down but Morty Up
We're still working on getting access to the Johnny hard drive, and we're still hopeful that we can get everyone's data off of there. It's just going to take some more time. We haven't given up yet. Some good news though, is we're getting closer to releasing the Morty server. We should be able to get the first beta testers moved over in the next week. Read more

Scripting Languages

  • We offer professional-level PHP 5, PHP 7, and PHP 8 hosting with safe-mode disabled. Installed libraries include cURL, GD, Sockets, XML RPC, and many more.

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  • We offer multiple versions of Node.js on all of our plans. As an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.

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  • We are one of the very few free webhosts in the world to offer .NET scripting with our free hosting package.

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  • With Apache Tomcat users can deploy servlets applications or run stand-alone Java Server Pages. This is a powerful server side scripting in the Java language.

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  • Ruby on Rails is a web development framework based on the Ruby programming language. You can quickly and easily deploy a modern web application with RoR.

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  • We offer the Django framework built on top of Python for powerful web application development. Many famous sites such as Pinterest and Instagram run on Django.

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  • You can run your Python scripts as CGI, or as a cron job. Heliohost runs multiple versions of Python on each server so you can choose which version works best for you.

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  • Perl is one of the most popular programming languages for web development, and offers powerful string processing capabilities. You can run your Perl scripts as CGI, or cron.

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Services & Features

  • MySQL is the most popular database engine for open-source web applications. We offer remote access and there is no limit to the number of databases you may create.

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  • HelioHost offers the PostgreSQL database engine, self-dubbed "the world's most advanced open source database". Full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures.

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  • SQLite, the most widely deployed database engine, is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.

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  • Our web-based control panel makes site management a piece of cake. Administer every facet of your website using simple, point-and-click software.

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  • HelioHost offers unlimited bandwidth. You won't need to worry about how much your visitors download from your site, because there is no limit.

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  • You can create your own yourname@yourdomain.com email address with HelioHost. Connect to your emails with webmail or using your favorite email client.

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  • Store up to 1000 MB of data for free on the HelioHost servers. When that is full you can upgrade to a paid plan with higher storage. You can transfer your data to and from your account with Plesk file manager, FTP, FTPS, or SFTP.

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Our Global Community

Click to view interactive map. Please note: HelioHost is a US based organization so federal regulations prohibit us from accepting donations or even providing free service to anyone in Iran, Cuba, North Korea, or Syria.


You sir should probably grow up a bit and realize how difficult it is to keep a SHARED HOST with so many features up and running with so many users. I would love to see you start your own shared host and see how far you get. If you want uptime with all the features they provide, buy a VPS. Heliohost is the best :D
HelioHost is a great webhost. It allows me to put what I want on my website!

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